Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chinese Culture

The most important aspect of it is, that it is an emotional form of art, as it carries the thoughts and feelings of the artist. Calligraphy has been an important feature of the Chinese culture for the past 4000 years. It is an art which is unique to Asian cultures and is regarded as the most sublime form of art in the Chinese culture.

Koi Fish;
Some people say that koi fish originated in Japan, but much of the ancient historical accounts place China as the first home to the Koi Fish. Koi is auspicious (good luck) & attracts prosperity (wealth) and abundance. It has been said that if you have a painting of Koi fish in your home then it will bring you wealth and riches.

It is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. The oldest embroidered product in China on record dates from the Shang Dynasty. In this period embroidery symbolized social status. Embroidery flooded their homes, from  mattresses to beddings, from clothes worn in life time to burial articles.

The tools used in traditional Chinese painting are paintbrush, ink, traditional paint and special paper or silk. The birds-and-flowers genre has its roots in the decorative patterns engraved on pottery and bronze ware by early artists. Among the common subjects in this genre, which reached its peak during the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), are flowers, bamboo, birds, insects, and stones.

My Artwork:

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